This post is dedicated to one of my best friends from high school — Jordan Priest. I Miss ya brother! One of these days you’ll have to join me somewhere around the world!
Since starting this blog a couple months ago, I’ve heard the following question quite often: Your name is Dave…Why is your blog called JonesAroundTheWorld …? Well, for those that are wondering that same question, let me explain…it’s really not that complicated.
1. My friends have been calling JONES since high-school.
Taken at my going away-party before my semester abroad in Rome, Italy. Jordan’s the tall one.
It all started with the aforementioned friend, Jordan, who started calling me “Davey Jones” (As in Davy Jones Locker). That was just the starting point; From there Jordan would elaborate into more nickname such as: Juicey Jones, G.I Jones, Get Em’ Jones, Ginger Jones…All solid nicknames, all focused around JONES. The name stuck, and from then on that is what the majority of my friends called me.
After graduation, I moved away to college and met a new group of friends, with all new nicknames. However, when Jordan came to visit me at school, all my friends heard him call me Jones. From then on out, all my college friends starting calling Jones as well.
To paradody Andre Nickatina
“My name is Dave, but you can call me Jones…whatup?”
2. This Definition.
I have a burning desire to see new places, meet people from different countries, learn more languages, and become a better person. I’ve currently been to 33 countries, and I got some big plans over the next couple years. Just in 2015 I’m looking at traveling all through-out south-east Asia, Korea, Central America, South America, and Australia. I’ll be using this website to document my adventures, hoping to inspire all the readers out there. That’s it for now. Hope that clears up any questions, and keep following my adventures around the world.
Safe travels,