2017 in Review: The Year Everything Changed
Blog, Months in ReviewI know I'm really late, but these yearly recap posts are some of my favorite to write! 2017 has certainly been one epic year, and I really do think it's been the best year of my life. I think I say that every year, but that's a good thing, right...? :-)

2015: A Year In Review
Featured, Months in ReviewAs I sit here in my room in Sydney writing this post, I honestly can't believe how quick 2015 has flown by. This has been the craziest and most epic year of my life for sure. While my travels have slowed down quite a bit in the past…

The Best Year Of My Life: 2014 – A Year In Review
Blog, Europe, Indonesia, Koh Tao, Kuala Lumpur, Langkawi, Malaysia, Months in Review, Music Festivals, Slovenia, South-East Asia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, VietnamLooking back on 2014 brings me nothing but amazing and life-changing memories. I don’t even know how to express how much year this has influenced my life, but I will always look at 2014 as the year when I got it all “somewhat figured out”.…