
Top 10 Electronic Dance Music Festivals (EDM): Southeast Asia

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Looking for the best Electronic Dance Music Festivals in Southeast Asia! Great idea, because South-East Asia = Party Paradise.  Electronic Dance Music (E.D.M) is all over South-East Asia.  Whether you're partying on Khao…

Weed & Drugs in South-East Asia

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When it comes to drugs in South East Asia, the first (and best) tip I can give you is to avoid them while traveling through the region!  They can be very dangerous, are extremely illegal in some countries (heard of the death penalty?),…

The Ultimate Guide To Gili Air

When it comes to paradise, you can’t get too much closer than the Gili Islands in Indonesia.  While most backpackers and travelers head to the main island, Gili Trawangan (Gili T), known as the “party island”; you would be a fool to only…

How to Get from Bali to the Gili Islands

Trying to get from Bali to the Gili Islands ?  Here's how... The Gili Islands are easily my favorite part about coming to Bali.  Which I probably shouldn't say, because they are actually just off the northwestern coast of Lombok.  However,…

The Ultimate Guide to an Istanbul Layover

Istanbul, Turkey had been on my list of cities to visit for the past several years.  I was planning on staying there for a full week, but due to United Airlines lying to me on several occasions about their stopover policies, I was only…

3 Days in Slovenia Was Not Enough

I had been dying to go to Slovenia for years, and the time finally came.  Unfortunately, due to overstaying my time in Barcelona by about 11 days,  I really cut my time short exploring the beauty of Slovenia.  And It's official.  3 Days…

10 Things To Do In Langkawi

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1.  Island Hopping Tour When you first get on the island, you'll hear about the couple different tours available.  The cheaper tour is the 3-stop island hopping tour.  They first take you to the Lake of the Pregnant Maiden.  This is…

10 Awesome Things To Do In Rome

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Rome is one of the most interesting cities in the entire world!  There's always something to do, a new place to visit, and a delicious restaurant to try.  The food, the language, and the city is completely beautiful.  Check out my list…
Budapest Festivals

10 Amazing Things To Do In Budapest

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Over the past few years, Budapest has become one of my favorite cities in Europe!  Everytime I make a return visit I'm always discovering new awesome things to do in Budapest.  I love hitting up the Central Market for a meal, admiring…

10 Awesome Things To Do In Paris, France

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Paris is one of the most heavily visited cities in Europe, as well as the entire world.  It’s truly an enchanting city, and I’ve found myself here at least 5 or 6 times now.  Every time I find myself liking this city more and more. Having…