Top 10 Music Festivals in Slovenia
Music Festivals, SloveniaLooking for the coolest and best music festivals in Slovenia in 2024? Well, you’ve come to the right place, as we’ve compiled the ultimate guide to Slovenia Festivals that are guaranteed to impress.
Widely known for its miraculously…

15 Best Places To Go Glamping in Slovenia
Glamping, SloveniaWhen glamping in Slovenia, there are many incredible options to choose from. Slovenia is a gorgeous country in the Balkans and has become one of Europe's most popular tourist destinations. It's renowned for its incredible landscapes, from the…

8 Reasons Why You’ll Fall in Love with Big Berry
Blog, Slovenia
On my very first day staying at the Big Berry Resort in Metlika, Slovenia, I was invited to join in on one of the interns bi-weekly "Mastermind" classes. We were discussing several different business aspects about Big Berry, but something…

The Best Year Of My Life: 2014 – A Year In Review
Blog, Europe, Indonesia, Koh Tao, Kuala Lumpur, Langkawi, Malaysia, Months in Review, Music Festivals, Slovenia, South-East Asia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, VietnamLooking back on 2014 brings me nothing but amazing and life-changing memories. I don’t even know how to express how much year this has influenced my life, but I will always look at 2014 as the year when I got it all “somewhat figured out”.…

3 Days in Slovenia Was Not Enough
Blog, SloveniaI had been dying to go to Slovenia for years, and the time finally came. Unfortunately, due to overstaying my time in Barcelona by about 11 days, I really cut my time short exploring the beauty of Slovenia. And It's official. 3 Days…